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FA Kings - Alice Fernandez

2021-5-24   ·   【在线】欧美

As the movie says, what happens when an unstoppable force meets an unmovable object? Or, like it's the case, what happens when THE MEGA-BOOBS FIND THE SUPER-COCK? Well, what you're about to see: a spectacular fuck. Remember Alice Fernández? At least you'll remember her two big friends, which wer her letter of introduction for her hidden camera, and what made us call her instantly for a casting. Today she arrives to tell us how she gets crazy when she goes on vacation (she even fucks 3 dudes a day) and, most of all, her love for big cocks, despite being a tight-pussied babe, and how she tells us what she feels with them (they hurt at first but she doesn't hink about getting them out)...